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24h культура в Милане

24 ORE Cultura plans, produces and organizes art exhibitions for leading museums.
In twenty plus years it has organized over fifty exhibitions, carving a place for itself as one of thechief players in the sector - and a privileged partner for some of the most prestigious Italian institutions, such as the Palazzo Reale in Milan, the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa, the Scuderie del Quirinale and Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, Palazzo Te in Mantua and the Fondazione Musei Civici Veneziani in Venice.

Best Available Rate

We always guarantee the best available price on our web site.
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100% Secure payment

Booking confirmations that require credit cards are secured by Secure Socket Layers, a worldwide encryption standard (SSL).
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Constant Assistance

Our staff will be pleased to assist you with your reservation and provide you with tailored offers according to your needs. Contact us via telephone at (+39) 02.6694141 or via e-mail at