15% discount on standard rates by booking on our website at least 45 days in advance
Rate refundable within 24 hours of check-in
Buffet breakfast included in the price
12% discount on standard rates by booking on our website at least 15 days in advance
Rate refundable within 24 hours of check-in
Buffet breakfast included in the price
Pay for your room at the time of booking and receive a discount of 10% on published rates.
Guests please note: Your card will be debited within 24 hours of making this booking and is non...
10% discount on published rates when booking a minimum of 2 nights 15% discount on published rates when booking a minimum of 3 nights
Minimum stay requirement...
Add an insurance cover to your stay!
Thanks to Booking Protection by Allianz Global Assistance you can protect your stay in case of Cancellation and more.
Click here for a quotation in few...